Kavan Abbas Abad Copper Company, as one of the subsidiaries of Namad Sanat Pars Holding (NSP), is the owner of the largest copper mine in Iran with a license to operate among private companies active in the field of copper extraction and extraction. The company was established in 2007 to explore and exploit Abbasabad copper mines. The mines and processing plant of this company is located in 145 km of Shahroud-Sabzevar road in Semnan province. The design and construction of the crushing and flotation plant of Kavan Copper Complex by Fakor Magnetic Engineering Company (FMS) started in 2014 and was put into operation in 2016.
dry copper concentrate :
Kasng: tons
Queue and headquarters:
Contractor :
Abbas Kavad Copper Company has taken a big step towards improving environmental performance, safety, occupational health, employee health and social responsibilities.
Policy-making to improve the level of occupational health by focusing on the provisions of approved regulations
Practical commitment to prioritize and continuously improve the level of safety in all decisions and activities within the organization in accordance with the approved regulations
Efforts to protect the environment with the approach of reducing or eliminating pollution from the source, especially in the design, construction and operation, as well as the optimal use of energy resources
Adherence to social and legal responsibilities in all decisions, current affairs and activities